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Lessons from the Front Lines
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Comcast annoying customers old school style
Yesterday I got another mailer from Comcast. For all those who use Comcast, you probably know exactly what I'm talking about. That singled sheet of paper folded and sealed together that says "Important information about your service" on the outside, and promotions for different Comcast plans inside. This really annoys me. If a mailer, letter, etc. says "Important information about your service" on it, I expect it to contain important information about my service, not some promotion for more expensive packages. Plus, they send these things all the time.

How would this mailer fare as an email message? How many unsubscribe requests would it receive from annoyed customers? I don't care what medium a company uses, their messages shouldn't annoy their customers. I can't help but think that if these messages were in email format, Dylan and Alex would have posted several entries about Comcast's poor practices.

Visit http://theemailwars.com/ and http://returnonsubscriber.com/ for examples of good and bad email campaigns. Posted by: Jeff Kempf at 11:51 AM  |  Permalink


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